‘My Ginger’

‘My Ginger’ - A cost-effective package geared to market your property online

Enhance your property advert on Rightmove with a premium listing.
The big green box makes your home stand out above the competition. Incorporating extra photos and placing your advert higher up the search page. Plus, increase the traffic by 40%*

*figures produced by Rightmove.


Paid up-front & non-refundable

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Remember to add your extras NOW to save time later

Attract more buyers with our ‘Professional photography and floor plan package’. £200 + VAT (within 15 miles of office)

Energy Performance Certificate
£75 + VAT

Boost your online views with a Rightmove Premium Listing.
£75 + VAT

Rightmove Premium listing £75 + VAT

Enhance your property advert on Rightmove with a premium listing.
The big green box makes your home stand out above the competition. Incorporating extra photos and placing your advert higher up the search page. Plus, increase the traffic by 40%*

*figures produced by Rightmove.



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